Kokkinos Smile Clinic

Διεύθυνση: Λεωφόρος Γρίβα Διγενή, Διαμ. 31, 3101 Λεμεσός
Επικοινωνία: 25 582144
Ηλ. Διεύθυνση: reception@kokkinosmileclinic.com
Ιστοσελίδα: http://www.kokkinosmileclinic.com
Our goal is to provide the most up to date dental and orthodontic services to our patients. Also, we aim to develop “dental fear free” children by using the approved behavior management techniques.
Our clinic was founded in 1995 in Limassol and we currently consist of two pediatric dentists, one orthodontist, one dental hygienist, an office manager, three receptionists, five dental assistants and one sterilization nurse.
Our clinic is specially designed to be friendly and pleasant to children and enjoyable to adults. In the waiting area there is a large fish tank and a custom made playhouse to keep children busy and amused while waiting for their appointment. Two X BOX stations, a large flat screen television and plenty of books can also entertain all ages.